yFiles GraphMLViewer 1.6 Documentation

Contents of this file

Contents of this distribution

documentation.html How to use GraphMLViewer
changelog.html Changes between different GraphMLViewer versions
license.html License Terms
example.html Example HTML page to demonstrate the use of the GraphMLViewer
README.html This file
GraphMLViewer.js Javascript launcher for the GraphMLViewer
GraphMLViewer.swf GraphMLViewer Shockwave file
crossdomain.xml crossdomain policy file
LiesMich.html German version of this file
anleitung.html German documentation
examplegraphs/ Graphs which are displayed by example.html


HTML pages with the GraphMLViewer require the Adobe Flash Player version 9. Embedding the GraphMLViewer as shown in the example also requires Javascript enabled in the browser. The automatic Flash Player update feature requires Javascript and Adobe Flash Player version 6. The Flash Player can be downloaded from the Adobe website.


The documentation can be found in a separate file. There also is a German version available.