Lite Version of JavaView

Test the lite version of JavaView. Before JavaView Lite is able to run, a small compressed library of about 70kb is automatically downloaded. Rotate geometry by moving mouse inside viewer window and drag while left mouse button pressed.

Here is another applet which reads a Mathematica graphics geometry from applet parameter. Additionally, the applet tag shows how to enable/disable popup menu items.

Press right mouse button to select major interaction mode from popup menu, or use keyboard keys to temporarily switch between different modes (just keep a button pressed to switch mode temporarily). Some essential modes are:

o Rotate surface (this Orbit mode is the default mode)
s Scale surface, drag in vertical direction
t Translate surface in viewing plane
r Reset camera and display, object returns to default position

F1 or Ctrl-s

Show control window
Help With all keyboard shortcuts, and help on problems.

Note: JavaView Lite does not have a control panel or any other dialog. Its functionality is restricted in order to have fastest download and startup times.

  © 1999-2007 Last modified: 02.01.07  --- --- Konrad Polthier